How to Boost SEO On Your WordPress Website
Optimizing your WordPress site for SEO can seem challenging. With so many plugins, themes and settings, how do you drive traffic to your website?
How To Prevent Phishing Attempts?
Cyber criminals have many methods of stealing information online. One of the more common methods is phishing. Phishing is when cyber criminals send out emails that look legitimate, but are actually trying to steal information by “fishing” for it. Phishing scams can try to get sensitive personal information such as log in credentials, credit card information, or personal health numbers.
An Update on TikTok’s Effect on Social Media
TikTok has grown fast and continues to set the trends the rest of social media follows. Its catchy, short videos offer a quick escape for its users. Now that over one billion of them are using the platform each month, it’s become even more critical for marketers.